
Do you like to save money?

We at HIS UK know that bills can be expensive sometimes, between the kids leaving the lights on to the husband leaving the iron on, this all racks up! Not to mention the cost of heating your home in this typical British weather! 

So to help you out we have a few great tips on what you can do to make your home more energy-efficient and save your money for that glorious holiday in Spain this year! 

Energy Saving Light Bulbs – Having energy-saving bulbs save you up to £27.13 a month! These can be easily purchased and would pay for them after two months! 

Lagging Jackets – These water tank insulators could save you an extra £1.67 a month on your energy bill! 

Water-Saving Shower Head – With this great invention you will not only be helping the planet greatly but you will also be saving up to 52p a month! 

Insulation – Insulating your home can save you up between £140-£250 per year! To make things even better HISUK offer FREE insulation services to those who qualify with a government grant! 


Get in touch today and find out how you can save even more money! 


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