
Why it is important to insulate your homes!

Do you struggle with the temperature of your home all year round? Noise pollution? High energy bills?

Home insulation could be the answer! Insulation will keep your home at a desired temperature all year round, protecting it against cold in the winter and heat in the summer, whilst also saving you money and reducing noise pollution.

Depending on the size and structure of your home, this will alter how much money you could save on your energy bills. The older the house the more insulation measures you may need, however, the good thing is with HIS UK you could qualify for this for FREE!

Usually, modern houses are built to very good insulation standards, but old houses in the UK need a lot of work to be done.  When too cold, heat can be lost in all directions, so you should think of integral insulation to keep the heat in your house.

You can choose to insulate your roof, floors, walls, windows and doors. The most important thing is the walls since for a typical house the walls will lose around 30 to 40 per cent of heat. The roof comes in second place, accounting for approximately 25% of heat loss. Then comes windows and doors with 20% and finally, the floor.

Get in touch today to find out if you qualify for FREE insulation and start saving today!


Room in a Roof – June 2022

Room in a Roof – June 2022

We recently insulated a 'room in a roof' for our client in Blackpool. We insulated, plastered and painted the walls and fitted new skirting boards. Mr White was very pleased with the results, not only is his property much warmer but it also looks great! The best thing...

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UK Homeowners could save up to £390 a year!

UK Homeowners could save up to £390 a year!

The government offers a grant towards the cost of home insulation to everyone in the UK. The government has a grant available for all UK homeowners who can improve their energy efficiency. The Home Energy Conservation Grants are given as a one-off payment to those...

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